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Climate for Farming in India
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May 14, 2024
8:50 PM
India's farming climate is diverse, ranging from tropical to temperate, with distinct seasonal variations across different regions. In the northern plains, characterized by a hot summer and a monsoon season with heavy rainfall, crops like wheat, rice, sugarcane, and pulses thrive. Southern Regions benefit from a moderate climate with a long rainy season, ideal for cultivating rice, millets, pulses, and spices. Western India's semi-arid to arid climate demands extensive irrigation for crops such as cotton, groundnuts, and oilseeds. In the east, a tropical monsoon climate supports rice, jute, tea, and sugarcane cultivation, while the Himalayan region experiences temperate conditions conducive to fruits, vegetables, and cash crops. The diverse climate across India presents both challenges and opportunities for agriculture, shaping the types of crops grown and influencing farming practices. Farmer are getting benefits of PM Kisan and Kisan Credit Card for farming.

Last Edited by james66 on Jun 11, 2024 10:15 PM

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