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Pet Gift Catalog > Luxere Pet ~ Miracool Dog Bandannas (RED PRINT)
Luxere Pet ~ Miracool Dog Bandannas (RED PRINT)

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Price: $15.99
Prod. Code: 393569

Give your dog a treat...protect him from the heat! The MiraCool Doggie Bandana is designed with Cooling Crystals at neckline. Simply soak thoroughly, for a few minutes, tie on your dog to keep his pulse points and coat moist and cool all day. Bandanas promote highly effective evaporative cooling action. Not one unsatisfied dog yet. Available in two colors, one size.

Heat Stress Is A Serious Matter For Dogs. A dog's body typically has a narrow operating range for its internal temperature of between 100 Degrees F and 102.5 Degrees F. When a dog's body temperature rises above the upper limits of its average temperature range, several things happen. For example, the blood temperature rises. The brain then detects this rise in temperature and sends more blood towards the skin to help it cool. Respiration also increases in an attempt to draw cooler air into lungs and blood. You will recognize increased respiration as panting. Now consider what happens when a dog is placed in a hot, humid environment. The air being inhaled is hot and, therefore, diffusion of body heat through the skin and respiration is not very effective. With this, chances of a dog overheating increase. MiraCool Doggie Bandana and Doggie Mat effectively work from the "outside in" to deliver cooling sensations that pass from dog's pulse points, and other blood vessels close to the skin, to dog's entire body.

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